Wednesday, July 12

A Doctor, a Tornado, a Kentucky Kid and No Pirates!

As I'm sure most of my readership (both of you) is aware, a new movie was released this weekend.

No, not that silly Pirate thing! I'm talking about "The Doctor, The Tornado & The Kentucky Kid." The documentary, from the same guys who brought you "Faster" and "Faster & Faster" will be available in special screenings across the country and the DVD is available through I just recieved my copy today. Believe me, this is the most exiciting movie of the summer. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, if you have no idea what MotoGP is, well the guy who wrote the blurb on the back of the DVD case does a way better job than I could explaining it:

DTK captures all the action and drama of a race which, like all the greatest sporting events, turned out to be far more than a mere contest. It is the sotry of an awe-inspiring moment of truth beneath the California sun: a tale of extaordinary characters chasing a dream in the face of real danger, under unimaginable pressure, with no margin for error. It's a record of the greatest hour in American motorcycleing history, and of everthing that went into it: the months and years of striving for success; the hopes and fears of the riders, teams and families who live and breathe this glamorous, dangerous sport at its very highest level."

Go see this movie!

1 comment:

Lori Witzel said...

For you?

(Just as soon as I get done running crazy errands all over Central Texas...)

Love fast things (but of course drive a slow car) so this may be just right up my alley.